Originally From: California
Serving with: FOCUS Ministries
(Year of Service: 3rd)
About: As a member of a family with origins in Mexico, Angeles felt that being Catholic was just a “given” but when she got to college her focus was on getting an education and a good job as a way to honor the family that had sacrificed so much for her. She wanted to make them proud. She also did want to integrate her faith into her life but wasn’t sure
how so would she signed up for a FOCUS bible study and begin to see that she was putting her worth and identity into academics and worldly success. She was hungry for more. The missionary who led the group invited her to coffee and began to challenge her to see herself as a “beloved daughter of God”. Then, through her involvement in the campus ministry program, she began to invest in her spiritual life and taste the joy of a life surrendered to Christ. Now she is working to bring that same life to others in her ministry on campus.
View a Thank you video from Angela!